Friday, January 21, 2011

One of the hardest things to do.....

This has been a hard week, but not an impossible week. I got to see my friend, SD twice this week and he was awake and teasing me like the same ole SD. We went by twice this weekend and he was asleep and not feeling well. When I saw him on Wednesday, and walked in to hug him, the first thing he said to me was, "man, I thought it was gonna be a good day!" Teasing back I told him to "hush up". We have always picked on and harassed (lovingly) each other. I never want that to change.

I had a call from his wife, LD, asking for our assistance in witnessing documents that needed to be done and notarized. Medical, Fianancial and Durable Power of Attorney, and that was witnessed and notarized. LD then asked me to read to SD, the Advance Directives workbook to question his wishes. That was hard. The last thing I ever wanted to ask my friend is 'Do you want life support used or do not resuscitate order?" I thought I would cry, but I knew I needed to stay strong for them. Then I had to ask him his wishes after his death. Would he like burial or cremation? I just don't think that at 43 years, he should have to think about that. I also got to ask silly questions we joked about,  'do you want to have your favorite music played' and 'do you want to be alone or have company' , but our favorite was, 'do you want to be rubbed with warm oils', and anyone that knows me knows I had to add my own extra question that we shall keep private between us and them. After that warm oil question I was accused of making up questions, so I wouldn't dare allow my friend to be a liar so I made ONE up! I like to see SD laugh. He used to have this big belly laugh and due to the pain it is a little belly laugh but his eyes do tell the tale. His eyes still laugh the big belly laugh.

This precious family was having family portraits done today and that made my heart happy because it will mean so much to them as the years come and go. Their sweet daughter wanted them to all wear white shirts so she picked up her brother from school and they went and shopped for white shirts for the whole family. That touched my heart. These are incredible kids and an incredible family.

When we first met them it was like we knew each other forever. You know that person you meet that you just click and have so much in common. LD is so much like me and SD is so much like my husband so we could all relate to each other and talk about good and bad. But this is about as bad as it could get, and I will be strong for them and quietly weep later, hopefully with my honey's shoulder to weep on.

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