Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One month and still cooking....

It has been 30 days since I had Gastric Bypass surgery and I have lost 25 pounds. I guess I can't complain, but I am frustrated. I want to feel better and now I now know that I have deficiencies in my vitamins and I have overdone things that I should have allowed others to do. But does it get done? Not often. Sometimes my frustration is because I don't want to ask for help (since I have never had to ask for much help before my ACL replacement), feel like I am needy if I ask or just am not able to get the attention (or listening ear) of someone that could help. I strongly dislike feeling needy. Today, I was doing a very small job (or what should have been a small job), but it turned into something more because equipment was not properly cared for. I didn't want to ask for help because sometimes it is more work to ask for help than to remedy the situation myself. I was so shaky and so nauseous that I thought I would pass out, so I sat down and tried to breathe. Never have I felt like this before. I hadn't eaten anything because of nausea and I just felt like I was shutting down. I didn't get to meet with my doctor today but they had a group meeting instead. I really needed to ask some questions, but will just go on the assumption that it is what it is and I will have to work harder. Low protein, insufficient B-12 and insufficient vitamin D are causing me to be shaky and feeling weak. Sub lingual B-12 is not working for me so I now have a prescription for nasal B-12.

My low protein due to not being able to eat much because it is suspected that my sleeve may in fact be shaped like an eye <> instead of the nice round it should be. The good thing is that it will reform to the round shape about the size of my finger within the next 6 months. If I get to the point that nothing is going down, then I will have to go in for a look-see, down the endoscopic route. This would mean that my sleeve has closed flat preventing passage of food and most liquids. It is an easy fix while they are looking to dilate the sleeve and resolve the problem.

But the noises! Oh the noises! My insides have never made so many noises. I am very aware and pray others are not.

My plan for now is to press on to the target. Increase protein and I tried some good protein bars and drinks, get some vitamin D and B-12 going strong and start on prenatal vitamins. Prenatals have higher iron and they also have biotin which will help my nails and hair during this stressing time, they also have calcium citrate. I also heard of another option for calcium citrate at GNC and it is cherry wafers. So far, GNC has not made me love them. I am more a fan of the vitamin shop. My doc says don't call him if I start prenatals and get pregnant. Well, someone will have some answering to do since my honey is no longer able to father a child. But in all seriousness, I would do this over again, but I probably would have taken another week, because I have the need to do things that are requested and find the time somewhere and my body really needed(s) to heal.

On a funny note, those of you who really know me will get a kick out of this! After leaving doctor's office, I thought I would stop and get a small diet Coke. And I did, but it seriously tasted like cough syrup! Has it always tasted like that? No, it was always amazing with real cherries! I have been abducted by aliens and there is no turning back. My taste buds have been without diet Coke for 6 weeks and nothing is the same. Everything has a stronger taste and I don't care for the bland foods. If I only get 2-3 bites, I want it to taste good and be good for me (healthy). No, that doesn't mean I am giving up chocolate, but instead of eating the whole Hershey's bar, I only want a single Hershey's kiss. But it is all good. After meeting people that are 1 year and 3 years out, I know life will be grand again. And it still is but with that frustration factor.

Love each other, treat others how you want to treated and live today like it is your last.

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