Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve!

Twenty one years ago tonight I was in the hospital at Ft. Wainwright Army Base in Fairbanks, Alaska celebrating New Year's Eve with my husband and my beautiful baby boy Zachary. That was my first abdominal surgery through c-section, and my life was forever changed then by that precious bundle of joy. Tonight my second abdominal surgery and celebrating New Year's Eve at home, and praying this surgery will forever change my life also!

I kept this surgery quiet because I didn't want a lot of the negative 'doom and gloom' surgical talk before hand. I am sorry if that offended some, it was never my intention. I am not sorry I did what I had to do but sorry you were offended. I would do it over again the same way. Only a handful of trusted were let in on the information.

All my life I have worried about what my actions may cause to someone else and I will always be careful of others feelings but this surgery is being portrayed about something it is NOT! I have and will continue to do what I feel is in my best interest as well as my family. I didn't want my husband or my children to hear stories to scare them either.

This surgery is not about me being vain. This surgery is about getting my life back! I have heard enough questions about skin after weight loss. I don't know about that, I am not there yet, but i will deal with that issue THEN. This is not about making me 'look better' but to feel better and be more active. A healthier and longer life is what it is about. So, the surgery questions about skin removal after weight loss doesn't matter to me and it doesn't matter to my husband who has seen me at my best and at my worst. If HE wants me to have surgery later, his opinion is the only one that matters. And that is about that. My only desire is to be able to love my life in an active phase and to love standing up for the things I believe in.

I love talking to others that have been through this because all the facts brought together make it easier.

There were 2 doctors that pioneered stomach bypass in the 1960's and they selected a small group of women to participate in it. I am still trying to gather accurate information before posting too much but my maternal grandmother was one of the few survivors of the bypass in the 60's. She lost a lot of weight, so much and could not gain that it had to be reversed. When I gather all my accurate info, I will post more about it.

I look forward to 2011 and the blessings ahead. Be happy and love all you can because this is all there is here.

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