Friday, December 31, 2010

My WLS Journey-part 2

I am so ready to feel great all the time. I have such an overwhelming desire to do things and then my body, corrects me.  My biggest struggle since having surgery on Monday is my blood pressure. I have taken Lisinipryl 5 mg. on and off for a few years just for borderline/stress related HBP. I am not used to this incredible headache that comes with high blood pressure, WOW, how do people function with it? We are working on getting it under control but why am I having it? Doctor says pain will cause your blood pressure to spike and since I have a high tolerance for pain, my body is trying to cover it. Wouldn't it have been nice if my body decided to cover things right before this point? :o) Once we get this High blood pressure under control, we should be good.

I am so very blessed and so grateful for my honey. He has been so wonderful through all this. Making sure the 'nice nurse' showed him how to do things properly. I could not ask for a better nurse at this time. I am very rarely ill or in need or someone to 'care' for me and it is so hard for me to be dependent on another. Literally, he has taken on this task and even is giving me daily blood thinner injections in my stomach that were not part of the deal. I had not heard of that before with WLS, but this team of doctors has found the best and quickest ways to keep WLS safe and comfortable so I am not gonna question. Well, I may question the injections for a month at Monday's appointment, just to be sure that is what they want. :o) He has been wonderful and I love him so much! I dislike the things that he has sacrificed this week for me, but you can't go changing a stubborn man's mind.

Keeping tack of everything that goes in my body, when and how much. Going to work on a table for him to make things easier. Sometimes doctors can be such doom and gloom and our discharge seemed like that. "I will release you only if...and if you don't drink enough you will pass out...and document, document, document". Why can't it be like the initial talk about how wonderful things will be when it is done and the positive changes? I guess they have to be hard to get the point across and to make ME understand.

Today I am 42 years and 51 days old, but my new physical life began 3 1/2 days ago. It is good that my spiritual life is older than my physical life. I give credit, all credit to God for anything good in my life. I have my spiritual struggles, especially prayer. I can pray without ceasing for those I love but struggle asking for me, but I am learning and I am praying and asking for strength, both physical and emotional.

Day 3 ended with me going to 'stretch out in bed' and not returning to my soup. Day 3 was a struggle physically, and I pray day 4 is brighter and productive. I got a card in the mail that was so surprising and unexpected from a friend of my mother in laws. It was the most precious card of encouragement and so treasured. I am so blessed by unexpected blessings!

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