Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Different perpective on life.

There are times that I get disapponted. It is usually in the way that someone responds to me, either directly or indirectly. I have come to realize that being diappointed is all about perspective. If someone does something I don't like or a situation happened that I was not happy with I would get disppointed and I felt I had the right to be disappointed, but at what cost to who? No one can make me disappointed without my permission right? Well, I will continue to be disappointed but I am not going to let that happen as often. Communication is the key; open my mouth and speak up. I cannot change what I don't understand, and I need to understand the situation and know that the other person in question understands and is aware. I need to look at; is it the situation or the person that I am disppointed with and why?
I have been trying to look at things with a new perspective and putting a positive spin on the situation and what has happened (or what I think has happened). I hope that this will decrease my disappointement and help me to stop taking things personally. (AKA "getting a thicker skin").
I choose to try to have more control of my actions and emotions; my disappointment, my anger, my tears, and my heart.
I have always seen things like I was told to see things, but I have a mind of my own and beliefs all my own too. I am a very conservative Christian and I tend to err on the side of caution than to push the envelope (or cross the line). Avoiding confrontation though keeps me from standing up for what I believe in. There are some issues that I do speak up for; I don't believe there is any reason at all for abortion. I don't believe there is ever a reason that rape is justified, and I really dislike when false prophets are speaking error and getting too much attention. I believe marriage is NOT disposable and children need to be raised by both birth parents when possible. I also believe that marriage is for one man, and one woman and that skacking up or having sex before marriage is wrong, because God said it and it is so.
These are not areas that I will ever change my perspective on, and surely there are more, but daily my perspective needs to have all the facts before the mind starts to assess the situation.
I love when days are happy and busy. I love spending time with my husband and son, and truly love spending time with family and friends.
Now as the school year draws to a close, my 'baby' will enter the 9th grade in the fall. Where has the time gone and how can I get a new perspective on that? Whew!

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