Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Love One Another

The one thing I try to remember when dealing with anyone, but especially my Christian family is to "LOVE ONE ANOTHER". If above all we think of each other with this phrase, wouldn't it make our lives better. Wouldn't it shut off the gossip and plug up the negative. What if we thought about today as our last day that God was granting us. Would we still sit at lunch and gossip about someone who we 'think' is not doing the job properly or bad talk someone that made a mistake? I prefer to reminise with those I love and I prefer to laugh and love. What if that was the last thing your friend heard you say? Is that what you would want them to think of as they left this earth? If we knew that something was said that was wrong, why don't we stand up and speak up for what is right. People, families, organizations and congregations can get so discouraged and discontented by the gossip and the assumptions. We are all human but we seem to gravitate to the negative and what a waste of time and energy that is. I would rather spend my energy and my time laughing and making others happy. By encouraging instead of discouraging. A smile is a free gift you can give another person, and it is so contagious and makes you feel wonderful! Have you ever caught someone smiling at you across the room? Could you keep from smiling back? Children are watching everything we do and say. Is this what we want to pass on to our future generation, our future leaders and our future churches? Let people live and be happy. It seems that when someone is truly happy, others get envious and start prodding to break them down. Why must we do this? What does it accomplish? My heart is so full of love and the best thing to collect is more love to expand it more. Isn't this the expansion that we want in our bodies and in our lives? My expansion is in my waist line, but my increase in weight should be because our hearts are expanding because we are loving more. Our blood pressures would go down and our stress levels would decrease and we would all find more joy and more pleasure in just spending time with each other. There is no greater joy than to have a meal with friends and for there to be no gossip, assumptions or criticism. More people want to talk about what others are not doing right instead of digging their heels in and getting their hands dirty for a marvelous cause. If everyone that critisized and gossip put that much energy into the work of the Lord, can you imagine what a wonderful place this would be. Just by starting one hour a day and to say for this hour, I WILL NOT judge another, I will love completely and I will be a light to those around me. One hour at a time, one day at a time and one week at a time. It is an easy habit to break, by taking small steps, and I can speak from experience because I used to participate in this sin, and it got me nowhere, it made me sad, and it kept me from doing the Lord's work. What a sad existance that was. Seeing what I didn't like to see in the mirror, and wanting something more, I set out to change it, one hour at a time. It didn't matter that I was angry because my father walked out, or that things happened to me beyond my control. I still had the choice to make each hour. Was I going to let the devil win or was I going to strive to live for the Lord? I chose good, happy, loving and POSITIVE. I chose to encourage my firends and I love to encourage those I love. I still have days when the devil tries to win, but I can say, "Get away from me satan!" and get my hour back in check. It doesn't always work that quickly but what a waste it is. For every hour of anger, sadness, bitterness and negativity, I shall never get that back. I chose NOT to live that way and you can chose your way and whatever you chose, I will not judge you for your life is yours alone, and I want to answer my Savior with "yes, Lord, I believe I made a difference for Your Kingdom." If you are reading this, know that I love you and care for you and hope that you have an amazing day!

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