Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who is allowed freedom of speech and expression? Christians...

I was listening to the lesson from Ladies Bible Class last week, and many, many things caught my attention and got the little mice running in my head. One of the points that RD made was that if a kid put the Ten Commandments on their locker, it would be taken down as inappropriate while the half nude poster on the neighboring locker would be left. WHY? They have the right to be expressive?

What have we come to? While pulling into park at Wal-Mart tonight, my 14 year old son is watching the car pull out of the spot while we wait to pull in. He, like most people read the bumper stickers. One which reads, "Save a horse, ride a cowboy." He turns to me and says "Mom, does that mean what I think it means?" I told him that, yes it means what he thinks. His response was, that is gross and inappropriate! Why is a 14 year old smarter than general America?

Everyone has their rights of speech and expression, except Christians. They have taken our rights away, but anyone can come into our country and have more rights than us. They can earn part of our paychecks while they sit on their back sides and get the assistance that most of us would be denied because we don't enter dishonest and incorrect information. We allow cheating and cannot 'accuse' someone of wrongdoing. How dare we.

I love this country and that my husband and now my son is serving in the AirForce. My husband is planning to return to the AirForce and finish out his retirement, but who are they serving for? Americans or others? Christians or others?

Homosexuals fight for their rights, parents that abuse and humiliate their children fight for their rights, atheists fight for their rights to not be offended by my Christianity. AND I HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXPRESS MY LOVE FOR MY SAVIOR AND I WILL FIGHT FOR THAT RIGHT. Don't tell me that Jesus and prayer is inappropriate. It is time that America take back the America that our founding fathers began, on the Christian principals and that God is to be feared. I only wish we would. We have allowed too much stupidity to penetrate the core of America.

Why do we allow this trash? Why do we have to see pornography on the windows and bumpers of cars. My 14 year old has questioned VERY inappropriate pictures on bumper stickers. I tell his that the people in the vehicle are just trash and he understands, it is not up for discussion. But it is nauseating and frustrating.

Some day I will answer for what I did to make things better and to speak of Christ. My passion is children and I want children's precious eyes protected from the trash in America. I want children to keep their innocence as long as we did way back in the "old days." We have to get the trash out of our homes, and hearts and stop allowing the status quo. Christians have a voice and we need to use it when it matters most.

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