Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Childhood and a House

When I think of my childhood, one thing remains to the forefront although it is not the most important part of my childhood. My childhood house is always at the center of my memories. We lived in a house in Michagan when my parents were still together, and when we moved to Texas we lived in, I believe 2 apartments. The one I remember we lived in before the house was a 3 bedroom, roomy, and mom & I shared one room, grams & gramps another and my brother & uncle Kenny in the 3rd. I remember those apartments had an older boy that would always try to corner me, until he finally did. I was very glad to move out of there and into the house. The back yard was huge and the mean boy was not here.

So, from the middle of the 1st grade until I married, my address was 1405 Buena Vista, Mesquite, TX 75149 and my phone number was always 285-1108. That was before the time of having to dial area codes. Yes, it is dating me, but it is my life and dated it will be! I went to Hanby Elementary for Kindergarten and 1/2 of 1st grade. Our street was the dividing line for schools. On Buena Vista you went to Tisinger Elementary and Alta Vista, you went to Hanby Elementary. So, we moved schools.

It was at Tisinger that I met my best friend and the best part was that she lived across the street from me! We were in every class together until 6th grade.Our summers were spent outside and driving into the street today, I can remember us running barefoot in the streets just after the rain and the water running by the curb was our river. We made lots of paper and wooden 'boats' to float and run and follow. We climbed trees and jumped on trampolines and swan A LOT after my grandparents put in our swimming pool. We would gather by the patio door and sit and watch the people putting the pool in and anticipate it getting done. It seemed like it took forever to fill the pool up with the garden hose, but it was finally ready and that is where the majority of my childhood took place.

So heading into Mesquite today, Brayden learned that his new phone could not show youtube videos all the way to Mesquite and sustain the battery.

When we arrived to the house, the only residents that still remain at 1405 Buena Vista were there. And greatly offended that we were disturbing them. Daffy, Daisey and Doofus Duck. My grandfather strongly disliked them taking up house in his shed and residing most of the time in the pool. He would say, "those stupid ducks are pooping in my pool". I tried to convince him to put on of those signs out that said, "  OOL, notice there is not P in our pool, let's keep it that way!" He said something about ducks not being able to read, but oh, gramps, they can read you and love to get your feathers ruffled!

It was a very sad day, going into my home but it was not my home anymore. Without the furniture and pictures and especially the people, what made the home so special has passed away with them. It was the ending of a era for me. Closure was in order but I never thought it would be so hard to say goodbye. Curtains are still on the windows and the only left to be picked up is 2 microwaves. I just didn't think the house would belong to anyone except us. My grandparents bought the house for, I believe $16,OOO. What an investment and gathering place for many years for family. Children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Friends and church family frequented this home. I thought I would share the pictures with anyone interested.

1 comment:

-lisa- said...

I am sure that it was really tough emotionally to go through that process. Hold tight to your memories sweetie! (((hugs)))