Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Vacation part 2, lovin life!

Amazed is the only word I can use for it! All my life I ate what was on my plate (for the kids that were starving in China) and now I can’t even finish the little I put on my plate. I am not complaining at all, but when I look at what restaurants serve…they are killing us with 2, 3 and sometimes 4 times what a serving is. JB and I can split a kid’s meal and still have about ½ left. I know I could not have eaten that little (with will power) before surgery, although I didn’t eat that much. The old wicked PCOS had its grip on me. Why this thought is here, I cooked one potato, one small squash and zucchini, onion and okra with 2 sausage links and we won’t be able to eat it at all. I think I won’t save it thought. I want variety this week. It smells really wonderful though. JB cooked 4 pieces of bacon for breakfast (applewood smoked), and I had a chick fil a chicken salad wrapped in romaine lettuce although I wasted more than ½.

This had been SO relaxing which I needed. Now all I need is a manicure and massage. Don’t guess there is one of those places in the state park. Hammock is set up and calling my name but I have been busy so far today to heed the call. JB has a spot on his foot that is inflamed and hurting so back to Greenville we went today to see our doctor. She did blood work but thinks it is gout. Doesn’t that stink? We are supposed to be walking and riding our new bikes and gout rears its ugly head. My honey got a steroid shot in his hinny and has felt better today. We are waiting for a call from Dr. T (our bariatric doctor) to see what his treatment options are, because we are so limited taking any anti-inflammatory drugs since ‘sleeve’ weight loss surgery. We got the camper organized inside and are about to go get the outside comfy and organized. About the time you get everything set up perfect, it is time to pack up and head home and back to that thing that we call life.

We both needed this break alone and away from the things that cloud our mind and hearts, so we can get back to God, ourselves and organize our thoughts. I love my job but really needed some time away because even though it is hourly, it really is 24/7 and whenever any one of the 400 bosses I have needs something, they call. And that is OK, I just needed a time of NOT being needed except by one person, my honey, that I can handle. I have a very personal family incident going on and it had taken a different twist that I truly did not expect last week. It was emotional because I couldn’t fix it and I cried for the sweet soul that was going through something I hope they never have to go through again. I hurt for my Brayden that was trying to make sense of what was happening and why it was happening. He is tender-hearted and believes that good people don’t have these things happen, but we all know that good people have bad things happen, and only through prayer will God see us all through to the other side.

Music, reading, blogging, emailing Brayden at Camp Deer Run, cross-stitching, fishing and card making along with walking and riding bikes. This is what I call a vacation, relaxation, and be ready for the rest of the year. I have enjoyed quiet, uninterrupted conversations with my honey. They always go back to memories or what life used to be like. Talking about our funny boys antics, life in the military, past jobs and distant friends and family. It is always sad when I lose contact with a friend but especially family. I have family that I love dearly who disrespected my honey and I don’t want to be part of their lives. Faced with a cancer scare they sarcastically joked about something and refused to apologize. I love them but I don’t like them and I would have never done that to another person, so that is not the negative that we need in our lives. Pushing the drama out of my life from family was a resolution for this year. They can have their drama but I don’t want any part of it and you know what? I am happier, because I am not hearing the negative talk about other family. Why must we always look at the down side of people instead of lifting one another up with encouragement?

This is one thing that I have slacked off on, visiting those that need companions, writing those that need encouragement, helping those that would not ask for help because they are too much like me and just being an encouragement to others instead of a burden. I pray this week puts my priorities in order and I am able to resume the things that have been lacking for a year, since I had my ACL surgery. No excuses, just neglectful!

I hope you had an amazing Wednesday and encouraged someone today with your smile.

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