Sunday, July 24, 2011

Thanks, I needed that!

Have you ever sat in church and listened to the sermon like it was written for you? Even though I know for certain it wasn't, it was exactly what I was needing. I have been doing my own private bible study concerning forgiveness and how to forgive myself. I am also my biggest critic, judge and jury and no one else could ever convict me harder than I convict myself. As well as forgiveness I have been studying confidence (because I am lacking that). I have ordered a book that comes out in August called "The Confident Woman" and I am not working on the author's study and pre-book study she has posted, but more about that later.

In studying about forgiveness, my thoughts go to others, I can preach self-forgiveness like I am convicted by it, but my words speak way louder than my actions. I always doubt myself, criticize myself and condemn myself. Do you know how sometimes things just click? Well, the sermon today was ones of those 'clicks' for me. I am always telling my kids that the only person whose opinion matters is God. If you are doing what God has asked, everyone should approve. (But we all know that is not always the way of the world.) My words came back to bite me and I understand now how wrong I was. When I asked God to forgive my wrongs, and He did, but I could not forgive myself, what am I doing? Am I saying I am higher than God? I believe that anyone that knows me, knows that I am not like that. Am I saying Jesus' blood sacrifice was not important? In a way I was, I was being very disrespectful to Christ, His sacrifice, and His grace.

Asking for forgiveness from Him, AND forgiving myself are key to receiving His grace. They are key to healing from your own iniquities. When He makes a promise, He keeps His promises and I needed to understand that I have to believe in His plan and stop judging myself when the true judge has already freed me from the bondage of my sins. If I am going to make a request for forgiveness from Him, I need to follow through with the plan, and stop letting my past interfere with my present and most definitely keep it out of my future by learning from my mistakes and not repeating them.

I appreciate Randy Daw and his honest preaching. He doesn't just preach to us, he preaches to himself as well, and that is very humbling, but mostly encouraging to me.

All in all, it was an amazing weekend. Zach and Jo are home until August 6th and he will fly out to Korea for a year and she will head out to Indiana between the middle to end of August. It was nice coming home and all my kids were home. Saturday got the yard all done, dogs all bathed, and we hit some thrift stores and the Super Goodwill in Garland and then we spent time with JB's parents, my parents, my kids, all at Jb's brother's home, swimming, playing games and cooking out. I was wonderful family time. Sunday is my favorite day of the week, and today was wonderful. I cooked a roast, potatoes, carrots since my best friend Donna and her daughter Mollie were coming in to drop off Mollie for the week. I have needed my Mollie fix. I also found out the Adam (Hoss) and his very pregnant wife were coming for lunch (so I added another roast to the other one) and we had a wonderful lunch and visiting time. Then I got a short nap before church; it was JB, me and Mollie in our big 'ole king bed napping. Just like old times. My boys always liked to nap with us and Mollie does too for Sunday naps, she always has. I am looking forward to this week with all my wonderful kiddos and time will tell how long Mollie will be with me.

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

About to press the play button on, pause on my life is off...

This was our last full day and we have decided to start breaking down camp tonight and packing the truck so all we have to do is minimal morning things to get to the house so we can go to Camp Deer Run to check on Brayden. It has been such a hot week and with him feeling bad as it is, mom needs to check on her baby. We will try to make it to the worship portion of camp and have lunch with Brayden.

Today as planned we went into Sulpher Springs to prowl through some antique shops. We enjoyed each other’s company but there is definitely a difference between the hospitality in SS than Cooper; big difference. We found a few little things, since I was grounded from buying anything bigger than a book. Spoil sport. JB found an old football instructions book written by the Navy that he thought was quite comical! Mostly I believe that he enjoys razzing his Navy family and friends.

Time has been good and tonight will be equally great! I needed this and used it well. There has been no drama, no neediness, no anything except much needed quiet time reconnecting with my honey and my Lord. Placing yourself back to the basics (if you can call my camper that) with nature and the things that don’t care about the drama of the world.

I have heard, mostly through Facebook, some not so good things that have happened in the world this week. I was sad when the child (Caylee) turned up missing and the thought that something could have happened at the hands of her mother. I can’t change it and judgment will be the Lord’s. I would hate to think that I passed judgment on one who was just flat making bad choice after bad choice and it caught up with her. None of it will bring that sweet baby back and I don’t want to be judged for my bitterness and anger on something I will never know the truth about. I was also very sad for the little boy whose daddy fell to his death at the Rangers game. I recently had that same scary experience with my own husband so I know how easy it is for someone to reach a little too far for something being thrown especially if it is for their child. My prayers have gone up for that family and all those touched by these tragic events. It does sadden me of those who make light of any death and those that in anger strike out because they are unhappy with the judicial system.

I can remember being a young mom, but luckily I had strength in my marriage and my husband by my side. These moms raising kids alone will sometimes do anything to keep their man, even if it means hurting or getting rid of the most precious gift they ever received. It is not how God intended but let’s face it, we have gotten way away from what God wants. When we start to return to God we will see children being raised in whole, complete, loving families. I am NOT looking down on or judging single moms or teen moms. I was raised by a single mom, but not by her choice. My mom worked full time and went to school full time and took care of us with the help of her parents. My best friend is a single mom and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt they are better without the father. I know without any doubt that I am better because my father was not in my life. No matter what a parent does, (listen to me, everyone ready to condemn) that child will love and trust that parent until they draw their last breath. I understand there are extenuating circumstances, what I don’t understand is young ladies CHOOSING to bring a baby into this world WITHOUT a lifetime commitment from a man. Without a ring on their finger.

Are complete families perfect? Very rarely, but the love of natural mother/father, grandparents, etc. is unmatched to any. No one can love a child like their own parent. Has my husband or myself been the perfect parents and partners? NO WAY! Not even close, we still work daily on loving our children and each other. IT IS A JOB, Family and marriage is VERY HARD WORK! It takes everyone involved to be committed.

My son married young and I heard from so many about how I should stop the wedding and talk to them. Guys, listen, marriage is NOT about age, marriage is about commitment. Our preacher says one phrase that I love, when he is talking about re-building your marriage and when troubles come in your marriage, “Divorce is NOT an option!” If you go into marriage KNOWING this, everything is workable.

Just like this week, my husband and I have to take time for US. If you lose sight of each other, things start to unravel. We try to get away and reconnect as partners for each other and for our boys. This week was very timely for both of us. The last year has been anything but normal for us. Neither of us has dealt much with surgeries, and this year we had 3 between the two of us. We also had to deal with a sort of separation when my husband was moved to 2nd shift which meant he was gone from 3-11pm, so my son and I only saw him on the weekend, IF he wasn’t scheduled to work then also. It was very hard on our family, very emotional because we have always spent a lot of time together. Even the military never got that hard. We had our schedule and he had his and they never seemed to meet the expectations of each other. Trying to re-establish our routine again as a family in the evenings has been a challenge but we have taken one day at a time. Much to talk about and much to figure out where our family will be going and in what direction we will take.

Today, our last day here was awesome. We packed the camper with what we could and plan to leave out early to spend time with our kids, all of them. Zachary is leaving for Korea on August 6th and he will be gone for one year, and that is very bittersweet for me. This is his independence, this is his life, this is his job and mom can’t be there all the time. Zachary’s wife won’t be able to go and will move to Indiana with her parents until Zachary returns and they make their home once again in Utah.

I am ready to assume life again. I am pressing the button and removing the ‘pause’ status on my life and will go full force into enjoying what is left of it, with my husband and my kids and my wonderful family and friends by my side. We will tackle the challenges that will face our whole family and make decisions thinking about what God would have us do and striving to please Him.

Friday, July 8, 2011

I caught my first fish ever....

Day 4 and I caught my first fish. By time I get back to Greenville, my fish story will be enormous! In all actuality it was a small crappie about 8 inches long. He was very happy to be released back so he could grow some more. It reminds me of that movie, “the Incredible Mr. Limpet” where the first jumps in the lake and waves to the people behind. No, we didn’t get that much gratitude but none the less, he was grateful to not be part of our lunch. Or at the rate that we can eat, he could have been our whole lunch! It was an absolutely beautiful morning on the pier from 8-10 am; there was a nice cooling breeze coming off the water, so much so that I almost lost my cowboy hat a couple times and that my friends would have been a catastrophe! I have never been a hat person, ever, but people buy me hats and I think I look like a total dork in them. As hot as it was predicted to be, I thought I needed to wear one because I burn way too easily. I have actually enjoyed them this week. My honey, who always wears a cap didn’t bring a single one with him and didn’t want to wear mine?!?! Wonder why? Yes, you are right if you said he had to buy him a cap! What a lame excuse! But oh, well, such as life.

Armed with our chairs, cooler with water and orangeade and lemonade, tackle box, fishing poles and florescent green worms, (they even bled the neon green when you tore them in half to feed the fish!) my 50SPF sun block, granola bar, and cell phone (to call 911 when I caught JB somewhere with my hook trying to cast out. I always think ahead) we headed out not early enough, but still early to do this fishing thing. And I enjoyed it but soon realized that I should have brought a book to read while waiting for the bell on my fishing pole to ring. I think it was a wonderful morning relaxing.

On the way back to camp, the truck yelled at us, do any of you have a vehicle that yells at you when the gas gage is low? Ours does and it scares me every time. We got a little gas by the lake and went on into Cooper to get a better price. While we were in Cooper, we stopped at another antique store that wasn’t open yesterday. The little lady that owned it talked and talked, telling me everything that the particular item I was looking at was used for. This shop was pretty chaotic and things were in boxes and you couldn’t get down rows, etc. Now I love to dig for things but would definitely prefer that the air conditioner be on while I am doing that, so we didn’t hang out long. Yes, I did buy something. But I REALLY NEEDED it! It was a swivel stool for my vanity and it is so cute and once again matches nothing in my house, but it is now mine! I have been using an office desk but have wanted a stool, and when that silly thing called my name, I had to take it home. It has been recovered in leopard print material (why it matches nothing in my house) but it will be fine where I want to use it.

I have also decided that the town of Cooper has the nicest people! Everywhere we go, people are so kind and friendly like they have known us forever. If you don’t feel like you belong in this world, come visit downtown Cooper shops. After purchasing my great find, we decided to have lunch downtown, our plan was to not eat out this week, but we went to a place called Burgers ‘n Beans on the square, and you talk about friendly. I love listening to conversation all around me from people that truly love and enjoying being with those they are with. B ‘n B reminded me a lot of Ruby’s cafĂ© in downtown Greenville. And just like when I go to Ruby’s, I got beans and cornbread with onions! They were so good! JB got a corndog and was able to eat the whole thing after resting about ¾ of the way through. Sometimes I am envious because I couldn’t even think about eating a corndog at 6 weeks post-op. He said it tasted absolutely wonderful! Oh, the little things. Funny thing about us eating out, it absolutely drives wait staff crazy when we don’t order something to drink. They just about fall over themselves trying to convince us to drink something, anything! One time at Ruby’s, they just brought us waters and we had to explain our situation and that the drink in front of us would be too much temptation.

After lunch we headed to look for a sign I saw earlier yesterday. All it said was “Free donkeys”. I wanted a picture because I didn’t think anyone would believe me. But who wants another donkey in their lives, right? We never did find it and disagreed where the point was that I began laughing about the sign. I have seen many signs, free puppies, free kittens, free husband, but never a sign that said free donkeys. What to do with that free donkey?!?! Nothing is ever free anyways! And now my honey thinks I am obsessing over the free donkeys, but do not question the fact that I DO NOT WANT a free donkey! After that wonderful adventure, we came back to the camp and took a good nap, which is what this week was about, resting, relaxing and not being needed by anyone except the one with me.

I was expecting that a friend might visit yesterday and was planning for us to make salads for dinner, since my honey won’t touch the stuff; I enjoy having a salad with friends. Events made it so she didn’t get to come out, so I fixed my salad tonight for dinner and was it ever wonderful. Romaine greens, chopped rotisserie chicken, blue cheese, chopped granny smith apple, and walnuts with some light vinaigrette dressing over it. It went down well and I ate about ½ of it.

Tomorrow will be our last full day and we have talked about maybe leaving out early on Sunday to go to Camp Deer Run to check on Brayden. With him being sick right before leaving, I hate not checking on him. Time will tell though, and we will make a decision soon.

Tonight the plan is to go fishing again, once the sun goes down, so we will see about all that.

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

And Thursday was the day we ran away...

Day 3 and Thursday has been so fun and so interesting. I love learning about towns around us and historical facts. We started out this morning by planning a trip into downtown Cooper to check out a few of the antique stores and a soda fountain that JB had heard about. My finds at the antique store today were a tin ‘vase’ of some sort that would work perfectly for our camper kitchen utensils, an antique necklace that was in the ‘sale’ box, a handmade white shawl (since my honey says I am always cold), an antique flour sifter and an end table. The end table was love at first sight, matches nothing in my house, yet (meaning I agreed to re-finish all our other end tables, but planned to do that anyways). The table is an off white that has been rubbed to see the darker wood underneath in spots and has 2 surfaces of table. The top surface has music sheets, about 8-10 songs from church songbooks and the pages are transparent. I just loved it!

After visiting the antique stores we stopped by the Miller pharmacy and soda fountain shop on the square. JB and I split a chocolate milkshake, but the most interesting thing was that this is truly an old fashioned soda shop! Everything used in there to make milkshakes and mix sodas was very old, even the cash register was VERY old. No electronics to it, push in the number and the wooden drawer opens. The lady that made our milkshake is 84 years old and her name is Mrs. Maybel Wheat, she has worked behind that soda fountain for 62 years, making the same thing. They also mix the sodas the old fashioned way, if you want a strong Coke, you get 5 pumps of syrup and if you want a weak Coke, you get 3 pumps. There is no such thing as a diet anything at this soda fountain. Mrs. Maybel chatted and talked and laughed with us. She and her husband raised 2 boys and we have two boys. During our visit there Mrs. Maybel had a leak in her carbonated water fountain and got the tools to fix that stubborn washer. Armed with a screwdriver and fountain wrench, she got busy until it was running properly again, afterall, there was a precious 4 year old little girl that had been asking for Mrs. Maybel’s Coke float for 3 weeks. Oh, and the ice cream that is used is all homemade, so there are only a handful of flavors.

Our main reason for heading to Paris was that JB wanted to get his picture taken with the Eiffle Tower sporting the cowboy hat. Oh, the little things that make that man happy.We then set out to find some lunch and WATER! Not exactly in that order because those that know me well know I can’t drink while I eat. We ended up at TaMolly’s in Paris, of all places. I had posted on Facebook that we were in Paris and one of my girls, Chaun Rai, asked where we were at and shortly after, she was sitting there with us talking. She is going to PJC on a cheerleading scholarship and is an amazing young lady and I am so proud of the strong independent person she has become. We met her guy friend who treats her like she deserves to be treated, like a princess, and we very much like him.

After lunch we were so into Paris, Texas and learning about things we kept looking. JB found the old railroad depot which now has a small museum in it and went through it. It was a neat site. We then found the tombstone of John S. Chishum, a huge cattleman in the late 1800’s, who lead 60,000 to 100,000 cattle from Texas to New Mexico. It was said he was the best counter by his one time partner and always knew how many cattle he had.

We went through an old cemetery in Paris, Evergreen Cemetery, and it had some very old stones. There are over 40,000 remains there and there was so much fascination with how personal some get and how simple others get. Some people were so very loved and you can tell by the sentiments and the sayings. One preacher was buried there, and his congregation erected a monument in his memory (you can see all these pictures on my Facebook page), he was very loved and missed. Family plots range from simple to extraordinaire, and you can tell who had the money by going through a cemetery. The very old stones would say something like, ‘Henrietta Mae who was aged 12 in years, was snatched from us while she slept from the terrible fever. May the Lord watch over her’. No dates or other markings. The original reason for our visit to Evergreen Cemetery was because my crazy honey wanted a picture of the monument that portrayed Jesus wearing a pair of cowboy boots. It was during the late 1800’s and the name was Babcock.

It has been a fun crazy day and we have really enjoyed this venture! I have learned so much today, the worst being that sweet and heat don’t mix for me. I had a bad experience once before but now have absolutely gotten the message. After getting the milkshake and walking a bit, I got sick to my stomach. It was hot and some of the antique stores were not air conditioned, they just had fans placed around different areas. I was OK until I had the milkshake (only a few sips; most was thrown away) and the sweetness of that with the heat hit me. Lesson learned, to not be repeated.

We are now on our way to the Wal-Greens in Sulpher Springs to pick up the steroid medications for JB. His doctor called and it is confirmed that he has gout, so now to get his acid levels back to normal and his foot feeling better. Our bariatric surgeon said this is common after bariatric surgery since your body is being purged of the lifestyle it once knew. I have researched gout and it is a very interesting read. It is amazing how our bodies react to things, which makes it even harder to not believe in the Lord. How amazing that our body does things to fix or compensate (sometimes over compensate) for trauma or stress our bodies encounter.

I am so enjoying this “relaxing, nobody needs me and have no time restraint in our days” week and I have not missed work at all! Usually I feel guilty about being off and such and that is not even a problem. Have barely even thought about the tasks at work of what will be left for me when I get back, because this is all good! It will get done and we will have a successful week, we are having a successful week!

Still ready to go fish and might even consider trying out that game thing called golf. But I won’t volunteer that information, it will be a wait and see week!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Vacation part 2, lovin life!

Amazed is the only word I can use for it! All my life I ate what was on my plate (for the kids that were starving in China) and now I can’t even finish the little I put on my plate. I am not complaining at all, but when I look at what restaurants serve…they are killing us with 2, 3 and sometimes 4 times what a serving is. JB and I can split a kid’s meal and still have about ½ left. I know I could not have eaten that little (with will power) before surgery, although I didn’t eat that much. The old wicked PCOS had its grip on me. Why this thought is here, I cooked one potato, one small squash and zucchini, onion and okra with 2 sausage links and we won’t be able to eat it at all. I think I won’t save it thought. I want variety this week. It smells really wonderful though. JB cooked 4 pieces of bacon for breakfast (applewood smoked), and I had a chick fil a chicken salad wrapped in romaine lettuce although I wasted more than ½.

This had been SO relaxing which I needed. Now all I need is a manicure and massage. Don’t guess there is one of those places in the state park. Hammock is set up and calling my name but I have been busy so far today to heed the call. JB has a spot on his foot that is inflamed and hurting so back to Greenville we went today to see our doctor. She did blood work but thinks it is gout. Doesn’t that stink? We are supposed to be walking and riding our new bikes and gout rears its ugly head. My honey got a steroid shot in his hinny and has felt better today. We are waiting for a call from Dr. T (our bariatric doctor) to see what his treatment options are, because we are so limited taking any anti-inflammatory drugs since ‘sleeve’ weight loss surgery. We got the camper organized inside and are about to go get the outside comfy and organized. About the time you get everything set up perfect, it is time to pack up and head home and back to that thing that we call life.

We both needed this break alone and away from the things that cloud our mind and hearts, so we can get back to God, ourselves and organize our thoughts. I love my job but really needed some time away because even though it is hourly, it really is 24/7 and whenever any one of the 400 bosses I have needs something, they call. And that is OK, I just needed a time of NOT being needed except by one person, my honey, that I can handle. I have a very personal family incident going on and it had taken a different twist that I truly did not expect last week. It was emotional because I couldn’t fix it and I cried for the sweet soul that was going through something I hope they never have to go through again. I hurt for my Brayden that was trying to make sense of what was happening and why it was happening. He is tender-hearted and believes that good people don’t have these things happen, but we all know that good people have bad things happen, and only through prayer will God see us all through to the other side.

Music, reading, blogging, emailing Brayden at Camp Deer Run, cross-stitching, fishing and card making along with walking and riding bikes. This is what I call a vacation, relaxation, and be ready for the rest of the year. I have enjoyed quiet, uninterrupted conversations with my honey. They always go back to memories or what life used to be like. Talking about our funny boys antics, life in the military, past jobs and distant friends and family. It is always sad when I lose contact with a friend but especially family. I have family that I love dearly who disrespected my honey and I don’t want to be part of their lives. Faced with a cancer scare they sarcastically joked about something and refused to apologize. I love them but I don’t like them and I would have never done that to another person, so that is not the negative that we need in our lives. Pushing the drama out of my life from family was a resolution for this year. They can have their drama but I don’t want any part of it and you know what? I am happier, because I am not hearing the negative talk about other family. Why must we always look at the down side of people instead of lifting one another up with encouragement?

This is one thing that I have slacked off on, visiting those that need companions, writing those that need encouragement, helping those that would not ask for help because they are too much like me and just being an encouragement to others instead of a burden. I pray this week puts my priorities in order and I am able to resume the things that have been lacking for a year, since I had my ACL surgery. No excuses, just neglectful!

I hope you had an amazing Wednesday and encouraged someone today with your smile.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vacation day 1 and all is well.

Today is the first day of our vacation and so far things are going good, wonderful, and almost perfect. I wanted to make salmon patties for dinner and we struck out there. First when I opened the brand new box of saltines that I bought at Wal-Mart, it had flying bugs in the stack of crackers. Didn’t think we needed that much extra protein so I trashed the whole box. Also, we could not find a lighter to light the stove. After trying other options we gave up and had some shaved smoked turkey for dinner. More was planned but that was all we could do tonight, but it is all good because so many wonderful other things have happened.

When we were driving up here almost to the park, it started raining! What is this stuff leaking from the sky? It started slowly and then pick up heavier. It was so wonderful to have rain, I love the smell of fresh rain, and it hope that little cloud went back to my house in Greenville. We even started putting the camper in the rain. JB said I should go sit under the pavilion so I stay dry. STAY DRY?! No way, it is raining and I am on vacation, I am going to let the rain fall on me because it felt so wonderful!

We wanted to see nature this week and get back to the basics of life, love, and living. While the camera was still in the truck and while we were setting the camper up, 2 young deer, a doe and a buck crossed through the campsite next to ours. They stopped and looked at us for a few minutes, I think they were saying, “Who invited you to my woods?” We are the strangers around here. Now, no comments from the peanut gallery, we know we are strange enough. They scampered into the woods before we could get the camera.

After the camper was set up, we went to check out the other areas of the park. We found a great fishing pier, swim beach (not sure I am gutsy enough to put my suit on in public) and the other camp areas. While we were driving back to our camp site we saw 2 young deer lying by the side of the road and naturally our loud truck scared them off. We turned trying to follow the area they were running into and the mama deer and her baby stopped in the perfect opening and just stared at us until we got the perfect picture. The baby was so tiny and the mom was quite small also, but it was a neat sight. I look forward to seeing more of God’s creatures throughout the week.

I look forward to the remainder of this week and all the surprises it will hold.