Friday, June 24, 2011

What an amazing week this was!

This is one of my favorite weeks of the year, right up there with Christmas, Vacation Bible School at Johnson Street Church of Christ is just amazing. The decorations are phenomenal and well done. Angel does a spectacular job of arranging, ordering and preparing for the decorations to be up and to be great! And they are. This year they were out of this world! Michelle took over the VBS director position and she did wonderful. Everything ran smoothly and the kinks were worked out quickly and easily. We have so many wonderful people teaching, helping, doing puppets, working prize booths, tech crew, security, driving the bus and serving snacks.

The main highlight is the antics of Mr. VBS Director SIR! and Answerman. Answerman never gets a question right, really right, but these two are so funny and the kids love it. We had Under miner and Digger Davie and they brought light antics to the set this year. The kids are so funny.

The curriculum that was used was very well done and I pray that the children carry the lessons with them. It was an easy to understand study. But the best part for me is the singing. Children can put so much into a song, so much excitement, exuberance, emotion and true love of the song. Oh to sing like a little child. I could listen to children singing all the time. They don't care what they sound like of if anyone thinks they sing good, they just sing from their hearts, and it is beautiful!

Today was the day we brought in a dunking booth for Answerman and Under miner. The kids loved dunking them. When there was a lull in the stream of kiddos, I took my shot at the under miner, which was Megan, my girl, and the first 2 balls were a miss, but number three hit the target and down she went. That was fun. It probably would have been equally fun for her to dunk me.

It was such a wonderful week and I love having everyone at the building. Monday morning was the exception, but that is typical for the VBS Monday, some what. The building is bustling with children and the adults who brought them. Lines for snacks, and going to the puppet shows, moving on to crafts and bible lessons. The assemblies are greatness with the singing and the crazy antics. It is so fun to watch these two men, Mr. VBS Dirctor SIR(Randy) and Answerman (Buster), having so much fun with these children. Even the adults are laughing and singing. That is what makes a great VBS. Of all the VBS programs I have been apart of, Johnson Street is the best in every category. It is nice to see a whole different side of people, the side I like best, and that is the fun and funny side. I just love it!

I appreciate all that is done to bring the gospel to children. It is a huge effort to bring everything together but it is efficiently done and effectively pulled off. I only pray that lives were touched and a difference will be made in the lives of these children and their parents.

And then we topped of our Friday evening with a 9 year old's birthday party at Pump It Up. Was that ever fun. I challenged my cousister (my cousin who is like a sister to me) to the obstacle course and we took off laughing our hineys off. I could not make it over the hills or whatever they call it. I had MANY instructors telling me how to get over. My dad was tickling my feet which almost cost him his teeth. You don't tickle my feet and he knows better! Googley Bear that I lovingly refer to but her birth name is Marissa. She was having a ball with her friends and "boyfriend". We adults were having an equal amount of fun on our own and without any alcohol! Imagine that! I can laugh and act very retarded without the alcohol to loosen me up! I went down the big slide and it was SSSSOOOOOO fun! Challenge to get up it but work the climb!

My amazing day has come to a close and tomorrow will be equally amazing because I am choosing for it to be.

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