Since the summer ended we have been trying to get everything back in order and some degree of normal. Yeah, I know, what is normal? Brayden began the school year back at Boles Middle School as he was on the waiting list at Phoenix Charter School. I called everyday and asked about the school and his place since he had been first on the waiting list for months. Finally, the school called and accepted Brayen as transfer student, so we moved him from Boles Middle School to Phoenix Charter School on the first Friday in school. He HATED it, and had stomach aches and didn't want to go. That was the first week and Brayden and I talked about looking for the positives at Phoenix and not comparing it to Boles, where his friends were and where he was comfortable. He took my advice (surprisingly) and had a great day, that turned into a week and so forth. He really likes it now and has discovered that it is an art school and he loves to draw so it fit him like a glove. He also likes music and they offer music but that will have to wait until next year. Brayden started soccer with the YMCA and he has been on a great team and has had a great time. Zach is doing assistant coaching and Brayden enjoys that also. They have really developed a bond, even stronger than they had previously. Zach looks out for his little brother and makes sure he does things with just Brayden. They both make me very proud.
Zach graduated in May from Boles High School and is currently enrolled at Paris Junior College with a full load and works at the YMCA as a lifeguard. He is also very active with the youth group at Johnson Street and has a girlfriend. Zach has enlisted in the Air Force and is doing delayed entry for after the first of the year. He has requested a career in Avionics, physical therapy, life support or weather. He should find out this week what career they put him in and when he will go in. It is hard to believe he is about to be 19 years old and going away. I know he will love it and will do so good. He plans to go to Officer Training School after he gets his degree and become a pilot. So, I must say that after the beginning of the year, it may be very hard emotionally for me!
JimBob is working for CyTec and it is OK but he would like to work with more in his degree area. He doesn't complain because it is a job and pays the bills.
I am working at the church and really enjoy it although it does get quiet and lonely sometimes. I just find work to do and stay busy. I also started to college taking a MicroComputer Applications class that is mostly Microsoft Office 2007, but I am really enjoying it! JimBob and I are also working on another chapter in our lives and will say, mums the word until it is finalized.
We have some amazing friends at church and are enjoying getting to know the people at the church. We were so emeshed in our previous job that we didn't have time to get to know anyone at church. We are trying to slowly get involved, so we don't get overwhelmed trying to get our lives back together with our boys. I am really enjoying just having time with my boys and Jim.
Stacy tuned for the days of the Holley's lives...
Love you all...
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