Monday, December 28, 2009


I love to put up my Christmas decorations and love to take them down. It is just that we have always taken down our Christmas decorations before December 29th because we didn't want to have them up on Zachary's birthday. Well, I am gonna stick with that. Christmas is coming down.
With 2010 coming up, my changes are to better me...
  • My relationship with God must be closer, better and more understanding. I have already began a private bible study to achieve this for myself. This is a very attainable goal and I am excited about it.
  • As always, I want to lose weight but this year WILL be different. I have a wedding in February and I want to feel better and have less pain on my knees, at the least.
  • I want to lose enough weight so that I can go on the Bone Marrow Transplant list. I donate blood as often as I can, but losing my step father, Paul to leukemia, has heightened my awareness for this need.
  • I also want to do a walk in honor of my sweet grandmother who fought the battle twice with cancer before it took her home.
  • Diabetes is an area that I want to also do a walk or help to raise awareness of this disease. My maternal grandparents both have suffered with this disease. One of my children in residential care has childhood diabetes and is insulin dependent. I took every class I could and learned as much as possible to help him live better and longer. He is precious! This is a disease I fear.
  • I want to have knee replacement surgery to be able to have a more active life. I have been told for 20 years that my knees are bone on bone, but what other options do I have? My current insurance won't cover anything for 2 years, so I suck it up and move on. Mind over matter. I mind but it doesn't matter! HAHA!
  • I want to lose weight so I can do more with missions at least once a year.
  • I also want to start back to school and find a way to pay for it. It is important to me to better myself. 
  • I want to put my past in the past and stop assuming responsibility for everything.  I have learned so much this year and have put my trust in others.
My goals for 2010 are set and I am not waiting for any of it until the New Year. My changes start NOW.
The changes have already started. I want to be a light to those around me and make those around me laugh and smile. (you know I could be REALLY funny with that one!) I can ONLY change me! I can't change my hubby or my boys, but I can make a difference with myself and I am gonna go full speed to accomplish this. I am so blessed with family and friends I love so much. My church family is so amazing and my heart is always thinking of ways to help them and keep things light and happy within the walls.

My life is amazing and my heart is full of love, the love of God and the love of others. It is what this is all about! Life, to love and live and teach others about the love of God.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What does "control" mean to you?

This week has proven to be anything but smooth. Geez, if I could just get things to hang on the walls at work, that would be ONE accomplishment. I think the ghosts at work come and put things off, especially the sign that says,"First God created man, And then He had a better idea." HA! I have NO control over the things staying one the wall.
So, I am learning more about myself than I ever anticipated. I am a conflict and emotional avoider. I avoid conflict like the plague and put my emotions on the back burner until they just have to boil over. Conflict and arguments are pointless because nobody wins. Or do they? I can see no winner to conflict. And the conflict I am referring to is fighting, arguing, name calling. Not the conflict of "I believe abortion is wrong for any reason."
Learning that things in your past have had control over you is hard to process. My father is one thing that has had control over me, let's just refer to a life changing event as "it", and a job I left reluctantly due to the control I allowed someone to have.
  1. My father, A.K.A, my sperm donor. Period, plain and simple, the man that provided the sperm, and that was just about all. Within a period of 20 months, my parents had two babies. Overwhelming? Sure, but enough to make you walk away? My feelings of never being good enough, never smart enough, never measuring up and always being a disappointment to those I love. Notice, I didn't say those that love me. Can you still love if you are disappointed? Well, I can, but some people can't. So many things are beyond my relm of thinking, and being disappointed and to stop loving is not in my comprehension. Even when someone disappoints me or better still, betrays me, I still love them and forgive them if they ask for that of me. That does not mean that I will let them hurt me again. Wonder why I don't measure up? Or feel like I don't? Maybe because my father never made an attempt to contact me for 15+  years. 15 years of my childhood. My childhood that desperately wanted a daddy to care about ME! Maybe because he has made no quams about the fact that he was intoxicated when I was conceived; unplanned and unwanted. Maybe it is because he has indicated that I am a failure as a daughter, a disgrace, disrespectful and an embarrassment. Maybe it is because he wants ME to shoulder all the blame for our damaged relationship and maybe I am going to refuse to do just that. I want to stop allowing him to control me and the way I feel about me. I have to stop letting these men control me and the way I am living.
  2. The hard "it". I have to let go of the responsibility of this. But it is attached like a cancer very deeply rooted and intertwined through out my body and soul. I have allowed this and even pushed it further into hiding for fear of being exposed and broken. It has too much control over me and every aspect of my life. Talk about never being good enough, doesn't even begin to hit the nail on the head. Keep the weight up and keep the fear down. The fear of being hurt. What if "it" was the next membership placed at my church? What would I do? How would I handle this? First thing that comes to mind is...I think I would just vomit! And since I avoid conflict, then and now, this is why we have come to this place. I am not stupid, dumb, "blond", or unintelligent. I am not the brightest tool in the shed but like any other tool that is used for it's purpose, it does show signs of wear and tear. My scars are hidden deep within my heart.
  3. The boss. Why just because someone tells you that you are worthless and ignorant, and have a bad marriage and are a bad parent, does that mean it is true? No, but why does the control take over your brain and hurt your heart? Why do I LET him have control? What am I afraid of? The threats, the talk, the lies. Do I believe them? No, Although I work daily to try to be worth something. Ignorant, I don't think so, Bad marriage? Well, now it is not a Cinderella story but it has it's good days and it's bad days! Bad parent? Well, that would have to be answered by my boys and the children I have taken care of. That is not something I can answer. I expected people that were in my life to stand up for what was right. To stand up for me. But I know I expected too much. I just could not leave someone I care about thinking they were worthless because someone said they were. No job is worth losing my dignity, betraying a friend or turning my back on God. Even a job that I dearly loved. Leaving the children I loved and told that I would NOT leave them. And I would not have left them. I would still be there scratching my head and trying to figure out how to please those whose pleasure changes daily and sometimes hourly. Why have I allowed these 3 men to control my life, my emotions and my heart? I don't know, but that is what I hope to learn.
I do find myself sad about ways people treat others. And I don't understand it. I used to let my anger get the best of me and now I fear getting angry for fear of hurting someone or saying you cannot ever take back. I vividly remember my anger and the things I said, hurtful things, although they were true, did not need to be voiced. Everyone has free will to do and say what they wish.

There are many funerals that have taken place at JS. The saddest ones to me are the ones that only have maybe 50 people, and I think, "Is this what my funeral will be like?" Barely any pews full or people there just because they 'ought' to. I have been to funerals that the church is packed and people are squeezing in tight to be present because the deceased touched so many lives. I want to be kind and touch lives but to do this, I must lose this fear and overcome the 'control' that others have over me, but only in my mind, because I still hear the things. I have had NO closure with any of these 3 events. I doubt I ever will. I pray that God knows me and that He is the only one with control over me.

I thank God daily for my family, my friends and my church family and co-workers. I can't imagine going to a job I dread. I hate missing work because I love the people there. The tasks keep me busy but the people make it enjoyable. The pay isn't great but it is a paycheck and for that I am grateful. Everything can be gone in a flash, but if I have those that I love beside me, I can get through anything!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Doing what I must do, but letting go is NOT my strong suit....

This has been a very good week. But as this week comes to a close, the beginning of next week will attest to be a week of cessation. My sweet girls will be moved to a family placement. This was always in the plans and reunification is always the plan for the children. I just fell so deeply in love with them. Oh my! Precious, beautiful and funny! They have come SO far in the 4 months that we have been blessed to enjoy them. ECI and the caseworker both praised their progress with us. Caseworker said they have made so much progress and really blossomed while they have been in out care. Both say that they have so much interaction, love and security with us and we have provided them so much. Isn't that what we are supposed to do? Love 'em as long as we can and teach them as much as possible. I have to go into this thinking it is not perpetual and is time limited as I did with day care. Otherwise, I would just crumble. But I know that I did everything humanly possible to provide them with love and security. I am so greatful for my church family who loved them like they were never leaving. And for my friends that brought me plenty of 'love-me-downs' and took pictures that I will treasure forever! They have forever left a mark on my heart and I hope I have left something with them. Even if the memories fade, they still remember something, if event he song that I sang to them when the moon was full or visable, "I see the moon and the moon sees me, the moon sees the one that I long to see, so God bless the moon and God bless me and God bless the one that I long to see." It gives me solice to know that we are both under the same moon and pray they are as happy as their two precious souls deserve to be! I pray they remember how much they loved bible class and I am so thankful for the bible class teachers that loved and taught them while they were in our home. Thank you all so much! And for Randy and Brandon that were so sweet and played with them. I hope that when she drives by the church she remembers good feelings and security. So as I spend my last few days and hours with my girls and I prepare them to move on, I will pray without ceasing that God watches over them. Thank you to all you that loved them!